Bike Tour from Chinon to Angers
Accommodation: in Unique Bed & Breakfast’s

All our B&B accommodations have a review score of 8 or more (Booking) or 4 or more (Tripadvisor/Google). Breakfasts are included. Bathrooms are always private and usually en-suite.
Standard Package – you arrive at Saumur or Angers Station and are greeted by our Service Manager. You will be transferred with your luggage to the first B&B where you will be presented with the bikes.
Basic Package – you make your way to the first B&B and are met by our Service Manager. There you will be presented with your bikes.
Inside your B&B room, you will find additional storage for things you might buy along the way together with a cold box for any chilled items! These will get moved from one accommodation to the next along with your luggage.
Trips Available
Whats included
Basic Package
Standard Package
Provisional reservation
You can make a reservation that doesn’t commit you/or us at this stage. It does ensure you are top of the list in terms of your choices – bookings will be accepted in the order in which the reservations were made. It allows us to plan our activities including provision of equipment and to make certain commitments with our suppliers . No payments are required. We simply ask that you are serious about booking with us.
Your reservation will be progressed to a formal/binding booking 4 months before arrival – we will contact you at that point to confirm or alter the details of your provisional reservation or cancel it if you no longer wish to proceed.
Prices The cost of your holiday will depend on your choice of package (Standard or Basic), the number of people in your group and the dates. This price will be confirmed to you when we reply to your provisional booking. You will also be presented with the cost of the various options available at additional cost to your chosen package. Note: you are not committed to anything until 4 months before the start of your holiday.