B&Bs by Bike

All the B&B establishments we use have a review score of 8 or more (Booking) or 4 or more (Tripadvisor/Google). Additionally, breakfasts are included. Bathrooms are always private and usually en-suite.
We believe you want your French bike tour experience to be local and varied. So, subject to availability, we use B&Bs that offer local unique individuality.
By moving from one Bed & Breakfast to another, you will experience variety in the facilities each has to offer. Maybe a pool, a restaurant, proximity to nature, or simply a view! These are places that you can be comfortably based for a few days and leave with good memories!
We book the B&B, provide essential equipment such as the bikes, luggage transfers, and itineraries – you just need to move yourselves from one B&B to the next!
Furthermore, we can provide transfers from the train station, bike upgrades, room upgrades, shopping assistance, and help with dinner reservations, among other services